Apple MacBook Pro MC371LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop
Well im off to college this year, so i was looking around to find a desktop replacement laptop. I had a gateway with a Phenom and 4gb ram, and a sweet graphics card loaded with windows 7. I was looking at a Toshiba Satelitte to replace it, but i went to the store to chck it out and was turnd off by all the plastic and hwo easy it was to bend the screen. Then i walked over to the MacBooks. I knew i needed a pro. I am a photographer and a power user. The aluminium unibody is a huge plus, along with software and hardware being designed for each other as well. This Machine is Amazing. It keeps up very well with my previous gateway which i sold now. The only problem i can see is that the screen is very glossy, but it has only been hard to use outdoors, indoors it is fine. Although i paid 700$ more for this than the toshiba, i feel it was very much worth it.