ASUS UL30Vt-A1 Thin and Light 13.3-Inch Silver Laptop
Overall, this is a snappy little computer that has been well thought through. Yes, the viewing angle isn't ideal on this computer for multiple viewers, but it is pretty bright and I've been able to use it outside just fine. Indoors, I don't have problems with the viewing angle. The trackpad does not have all the gestures of a Mac, but it has the basic scrolling up/down & left/right. The buttons at the bottom are okay, but a left click is just a single tap and a right click is a three finger tap. I mainly use my computer for web browsing and MS Office.
Asus is a bit confusing with their model numbers, so be careful when comparing models. This computer comes with bluetooth, 2 yrs warranty, and (most importantly) 512 MB Nivida graphics. Amazon has a cheaper version of this computer out there, but you usually don't get the 2 yr warranty or the graphics chip, which are both well worth it. Asus just release u30Jc-1a which has a better Intel chip (i3) and DVD drive, but it is about 1 pound heavier and will cost you a bit more.
Pros: (1) size and weight - it's great. (2) value: a 500GB HD, 2 year warranty, 1.3GHz duo-core & 512MB Nivida graphic card, etc. (3) Internet, youtube, hulu, etc. work very well with this computer. Pcmag did a nice comparison of performance tests on the UL50VF-A1, which is essentially this computer with a CD-ROM [...]. (4) comfortable, full-sized keyboard.(5) HDMI output. (6) It's really nice to be able to switch graphics/performance modes without shutting down the machine.
Cons: (1) power cord (yes, it is small, hurray!) but mine is a 3 prong plug grounded plug. Yes, having the ground is nice in some situations, but mostly, its an annoyance. Also, my power cord comes unplugged a lot due to its location. (2) Heat - this is a laptop which has a "cool palm rest" but the bottom of the unit gets hot when sitting on my lap. It's not unbearable, but its warmer than my last two computers have been. (3) Win 7 - it would be nice to have the professional edition installed, since you need this version for XP compatible mode. The good news is that the upgrade is pretty simple, but will cost you a few more bucks. (4) No DVD-Drive (but hey, that's why its so light! And really, most of us don't use the drive that often). (5) No firewire.
If you want a neoprene case, the macbook 13" cases seem to fit. Both incase and bestpricecenter have 13" cases which fit nicely.