ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1005PE-PU17-BK 10.1-Inch Black Netbook
PROS: It is a great little netbook that is the perfect size for my midwifery clinical. I put all my reference Skyscape apps on here, fits in my shoulder bag, easy to travel with, plays my online Netflix movies, I can load both the Nook and Amazon kindle on here so I can read my e-books. I have the option to buy e-books from either place without having to buy an additional specific e-reader. I also loaded the Mobipocket reader and PDF e-book reader. Reading the screen is not bad on my eyes. The battery does last a long time. I also have ITunes installed and I do not have any problems updating my ITouch. I also can download audiobooks and e-books from my public library without any problems. I can open several window at one without any problems. The internet wi-fi connection is good and I have also used direct internet connect when available. To avoid the problem of the sensitive touch pad I turn it off and use a wireless mouse. I have the Logitech wireless mouse that has the tiny receiver that sticks out by about 1/2 from the side of the computer. It does have bluetooth but that tends to drain the battery quickly. This is not my main computer and I do all my school work on my desk top computer due to speed and access to DVD drives. I do use the netbooks when I don't want to sit at my desk and want to access FB and my e-mail account. Skype works great if you have it plugged in, you image is grainy when running off the battery.
Cons: Windows 7 Starter does not come with the plug in to watch DVDs when you connect a DVD player to it. You have to upgrade to at least Windows Home ED which is an additional $80. It does recognize data files the DVD player and play the CD just not the movies. I installed a trail copy of CyberLink PowerDVD 9 and it worked fine. Also it only comes with 1g of memory and it pays to get the 2 g memory card, but it is easy to install since there is easy access to where it goes at the bottom of the netbook. The sound output to external speakers is funky. I am having problems with an "Echo" when I connect to external speakers. I tried adjusting but not having luck with that. I do not get that echo with headphones.
Overall: It is a great little supplemental machine to a larger laptop or desktop. It does fill the bill for what I wanted for using at my clinical. It is small enough to cart around without weighing a ton and large enough to have a decent size keyboard and monitor for my basic needs.