Acer Aspire One AOD250-1165 10.1-Inch Blue Netbook
I was leery of ordering after reading some of the negative reviews, but CompUSA had a price too good to pass up. Delivery was `fast' and the netbook has an extremely slim profile. It operated right out of the box but I gave it a full run through after charging the battery.
First the good points: The wireless card picks up signals that my Dell Inspiron couldn't. The keypad is comfortable enough to type, although it is small. The touch pad has the ability to enlarge the display for those of us whose eyes aren't what they used to be. I received an excellent upload/download speed test 100' away from my modem. It doesn't come with a CD drive, but, if you have a desktop or laptop with a CD drive you can copy programs onto a flash drive, then install them on the netbook. The internal webcam works very well.
Here's the negative points: The battery life is short but that's to be expected considering the size of the battery. The speakers are somewhat `tinny', but again that's to be expected. They are loud enough to clearly hear my YouTube videos. The touchpad is small so an inexpensive mouse is advisable.
All in all I am pleasantly surprised. If it does act up I will update the posting.