Seagate Momentus 7200 320 GB 7200 RPM SATA 2.5-Inch Hard Drive
My HP tx1000z had a 7200RPM drive to begin with, so I had no worries about decreasing battery life or heat, as some of you may have. That being said, having the larger cache and high density of a larger drive should make for some battery life improvement in my case. This drive is a tiny bit noisier than the old drive, but it is certainly not loud. I had no issues with firmware - it's the desktop Seagates one must avoid, it seems. I considered getting a larger drive, but they all utilize a third platter and might not fit. It seems the larger drives come at quite a premium as well, for smaller caches and some had reduced speeds.
The combination of upgrading from Vista to Win7, moving from AVG to MS Security Essentials, and moving away from a nearly full drive to a spacious one has taken my boot time from "Are we there yet?" to "That's about how long my phone takes to get going." I do have Bitlocker enabled, but my phone has full disk encryption as well. So in booting, the phone is kinda slow for a smartphone, and the laptop is pretty fast now.
I did notice some disk thrashing the first few times I was working with the new drive. It went away, and I figure Windows was just happy to have some space to Prefetch and whatnot. After restoring from an image, I also transferred a bunch of files I had been keeping on an external HDD, so there was plenty to index as well.
It's a bit early to comment on the reliability of the drive, but it's been a few months and my experience has always been that if I don't kill a HDD within a week, it will go for years.
The packaging was relatively frustration-free, for what it's worth. I don't remember yelling obscenities and attacking it with a knife, like the last CD I purchased...