Seagate Barracuda LP 2 TB 5900RPM SATA 3 GB/s 32 MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive
Seems to be good. Runs fairly quietly and is very cool for a 3 1/2" drive. Moves large files around surprisingly quickly (100+MB/sec), but is not very good as an OS drive for those small quick random reads and writes. As a photographer, 2TB is helpful, but something in the range of 10TB would be more useful.
One thing that makes me very wary, is the frequency of reports of failed hard drives (for this model and others). This has been a long-standing problem and one that the drive makers should solve. In the meantime, you would be a fool to not plan on this drive failing. I do daily on-site backup, and rotate weekly with an off-site unit. My friend who keeps his business records on these things keeps a daily backup copy both on-site and off-site. This drive WILL fail. It is just a question of when.